Thursday, 30 August 2012

I did a photo shoot at home using a net, fairy lights and star lanterns. Most of the pictures were lost somehow so I only have five to work with at the moment and am thinking of doing the whole shoot again, however, I've started playing around with the ones I have got on photoshop. I used the dodge tool to create brighter lights and experimented with different hues, colour curves and sliders to make the lighting white rather than orange, although this colour gives a warm glow to the picture.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Another holiday snap, using the bushes as a frame. However, the top branch was too low down and got in the way of the hill top so I tried to edit out parts of it using the clone stamp and healing brush. Is this cheating?

Monday, 20 August 2012

Quick holiday snap

I took this on holiday in Brixham, Devon, using Instagram